Emidas Act 4: The Blockchain Trilemma

4 min readOct 2, 2021


Arriving at his destination, his eyes take time to adjust. Emidas finds himself in a dark cave. He can smell the musty thick air — hot like the center of a volcano. He searches for hints as to why the Beast has led him here.

As soon as Emidas commands the light swords to illuminate the environment, six enormous red eyes light up the cave instead. The sword's eyes glow red as well, as Emidas lifts his head to see a creature of immense proportions. Standing before our hero is a bright golden, three-headed dragon the size of which was unimaginable.

THE BLOCKCHAIN TRILEMMA: “EMIDAS! We have been waiting for you for eons…and so you have finally emerged.”

EMIDAS (taking an instinctual step back, responds with a shaky voice): “How do you know my name…?”

BLOCKCHAIN TRILEMMA: “The prophecy has foretold of your arrival since the dawn of time. The Architect commanded us to wait behind in this wretched realm so that we would help guide the chosen one who would bring balance to this broken world.”

EMIDAS: “Pr…prophecy? I am sorry, but I don’t have time for this. MY PEOPLE ARE UNDER ATTACK! ARE YOU FRIEND OR FOE?! TELL ME NOW!”

BLOCKCHAIN TRILEMMA: “THAT remains to be seen young Chosen One. We have been watching you since you entered this realm 18 years ago. You have survived and grown through countless tribulations. You have endured the hatred, scorn, envy, and enmity of your own people. You have grown to become the man you are now, while deprived of the two guardians that brought you into existence.”

A lump starts to form in Emidas’ throat. Emotions begin to swell within his heart.

EMIDAS: “Please…these people can be redeemed. They are lost, but I know I can lead them to better days. Please, with haste, tell me what it is you want from me. I do not know what else to do — they will surely be annihilated without my presence. I must return.”

BLOCKCHAIN TRILEMMA: “You cannot defeat the Woman in Blue Flames in your current state. We can help you unlock the full power of the Beast you wield — under one condition.”

EMIDAS (EYES WIDENING): “Yes! I will do whatever is asked! What must I do to receive this power?”

BLOCKCHAIN TRILEMMA: “There is a sacred stone hidden within these canyon walls. Find it, and we will release the limits we placed on the Beast.”

As soon as these words are uttered, the three-headed dragon attacks, clawing a deep wound into Emidas’ shoulder.

Leaping back, Emidas portals out of the cave to the air above. Scanning for any hint of where the stone could be, Emidas sees the Dragon burst through the cave ceiling, into the airspace below.

He tries to use the portal ability to search frantically, within every nook and cranny of the canyon. How is he to find 1 stone in a canyon full of stones? …

Meanwhile, the Blockchain Trilemma appears to have a singular focus. Every portal Emidas enters to try and avoid the Dragon, it still appears on the other side, waiting to ambush him. Clawing and breathing fire at every turn, the Dragon makes it near impossible for Emidas to have clarity of thought. He finds it difficult to form any sort of strategy.

To buy himself some time, he scatters his light swords in 7 different directions. Each one he activates in perfect timing, with the first one blinding one of the Dragon’s heads. As the Dragon turns to avoid the blinding light, Emidas has already prepared another light sword to shine with all its might to blind it again and again.

In the midst of being blinded, the center Dragon head lets loose the hint of a smirk. Emidas wonders what this being is truly thinking, but does not have time to dwell on it. Struggling with blinding light all around it, the Beast flops and flails his enormously spiked tail, causing huge chunks of granite to fly all around Emidas.

The Blockchain Trilemma hits more stone high into the air and flies above it. With all three heads charging up their fire breath once again, it sprays red hot granite chunks all over the arena.

Desperation fills Emidas’ every muscle, and his eyes begin to glow white. His portal ability is stretched to its current limits, and he teleports fifteen thousand times in under a second — masterfully avoiding every piece of stone hurled at him.

When the torrent of shrapnel subsides, the Dragon and Emidas stand on opposing cliff edges - both breathing heavily. With all three heads taking in a deep breath of air once again, the Dragon converges its three fire breaths into one beam and aims it straight at Emidas.

Twisting his feet and legs into the ground beneath him and bracing for impact, Emidas closes his eyes and prepares his shield to absorb the attack. His warrior suit burning up around him, Emidas wonders if this is the end. Was he not the chosen one? Why bring him here only to be obliterated?




Written by GNOGEN

The official medium blog for the Gnogen Universe.

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