When Aerovek and Gnogen joined forces to create the Aerovek Staking Agency, we introduced into the proof-of-stake history books, triple-tiered rewards for staking 1 cryptocurrency. Delegators were now receiving Elrond’s native token $EGLD, Aerovek’s premier platform token $AERO, and Gnogen’s exclusive original 7-part NFT Digital Collectible: AERMES. Demand for staking in our pools has exploded and we are extremely grateful to this community for entrusting in our strategic efforts to get nodes online in the most efficient way possible, that would allow for the Aerovek Staking Pools to provide one of the most competitive $EGLD rewards APY available.
As we enter the next growth phase of this Web 3 experiment, there are a few updates we would like to share with the community.
- The Aermes NFT rewards will close the eligibility window for new delegators effective this past Friday, May 13th, 2022. It has come to our team’s attention that 164 Aermes Acts were bottled with wallets primarily stemming from a handful of source wallets. These botting addresses will not be eligible to receive any additional NFT rewards starting with Aermes Act 3. We will cap the number of Act 3 wallets using Friday’s snapshot, minus the botting wallets. Although there is no law against botting, Gnogen has made it clear on several occasions, that any NFTs that are free will only be eligible to those who do not game the system using bots/scripts.
- Moving forward, the Aerovek Staking Agency will continue to provide robust $EGLD and $AERO rewards to delegators, both old and new. We will continue to focus our efforts on building out the costly infrastructure needed to properly manage and run a growing number of nodes. As reward rates continue to vary as nodes enter the queue and begin to be accepted into active status, we are committed to growing as a Staking Agency, and one that is dedicated to our communities.
- Aermes Acts 3 through 7 are on schedule to be released before the end of May. Although we are confident in the ability to meet the timelines going forward (thanks to the wonderful additions we have made to our art team), we have not been successful at meeting deadlines as of late. That is why we are committed to offering an additional airdropped Aermes bonus act if we fail to meet this deadline.
The Aerovek Staking Agency up to this point has reinvested all profits from running the staking nodes into stronger and more scalable infrastructure/hardware. We are as committed as we were at the start of foraying into this frontier and want to again express all our gratitude to the Elrond Community for their amazing support. The mission and objective to secure the world’s premier blockchain never sleep. For the blockchain that’s never down and always up, the ASA community is reporting for duty.